Plan your goals

Blueprint for Success

  • Remember to put your activity tracker on first thing in the morning - every day.
  • Find an easy-to-remember place to set your activity tracker during the night (e.g., by your phone, toothbrush, or morning coffee mug).
  • Don't short yourself steps - put your activity trakcer on as soon as you're moving around.
  • Map your day so you're able to work the FIT goal into your routine.

A sample day - a routine to achieve all daily goals:

Your day begins

1. Put your activity tracker on immediately upon waking up so you can complete the first frequency walk before you even leave the house.

2. When you get to work, park at the far end of the lot. Get another frequency walk under your belt!

3. Take a few extra steps at your mid-morning break. Walk while on the phone or take a longer route to the restroom, and you'll be halfway to achieving your daily frequency goal.

4. Walk during your lunch break - this is a chance to meet two goals. If you have 30 minutes, make it a brisk, airport-paced walk to achieve your intensity goal at the same time as your fourth frequency walk.

5. Schedule an afternoon "walking meeting" or break with a colleague. Rather than standing at someone's desk to catch up or sitting around a conference table, walk the hallways together. If you were not able to get the brisk, 3,000-step walk in at lunchtime, consider doing it now.

6. Get your last frequency walk on your way back to the far end of the parking lot.

If you missed getting one of the walks in, do it at home. Walk with a companion, a dog, or on your own just to wind down.

If you've met your frequency and intensity goals, your tenacity goal will be just a few steps away.

Have fun with it

  • Make it social. Invite your coworkers to join you. Take 5-minute walks together instead of standing at the water cooler. Walks can build camaraderie and morale.
  • Have some good-spirited competition. Encourage the formation of small walking groups or teams. Accountability is key! Challenge your friends and make it fun. You can use the app on your phone or log into your account to check out the rankings page and see how everyone stacks up.
  • Plan your routes. Time yourself and check your step count while walking around the building or neighborhood, and then create walking maps that support your goals. This will help making achieving your goals convenient, no matter the day.
  • Take advantage of days at home. Walking is one of the best medicines for mental health. Use your time away from work to stroll with a companion (it can even strengthen a relationship!). Walk a dog. Get out in nature and explore new places in your local area.